Upon meeting Carmelo Blandino, a Canadian/Italian Artist.. it ignited an awareness of much ability.. to develop a passion in myself that I had always had, but never-guided and taught.  He showed me how to be creative and design finished products… not merely ideas.  I felt that perhaps “I” could try doing that, together with another artist at this stage in my life.. 
I had no idea it was going to become a “Movement” in my life!
     Carmelo Blandinos workshops , along with all the other artists, made me feel so excited and passionate about learning. It opened my head up to having courage to try learning from any artist, any poet, any musician, any old man, any little girl, cats, dogs and anything in between… that has tonality and passion!
Since I’ve attended Carmelos workshops.. I tend to not give up on things so much…
Make things as perfect as I can… Imperfectly.
Focus more..
Only use large brushes and 
Choose what I say more carefully.. on or off a canvas!
I am truely happy I met him!

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